June 28, 2008

This Weekend's Code Play

Right now, I am almost finishing Gödel, Escher, Bach written by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Well, I'm on page 614, so I still have around 200 pages to go, but for me it feels like almost finishing. And this inspired me to a little piece of code in VBScript:

Dim a, p 
Dim YmPool(8)

    mIP = afNe(a+3)*2
    NextElem = el
    If YmPool((a+2)*3) = aDig Or p = 1 Then 

        InTest = a
        LitNuod "nametag", "Gateman"

        Do Until a = t
            Set NineHt1 = ProgId
            a = (3*(2+a))

        MyFile = Me
        Let xEn = 2*(3+a)
    End If
    a = PI Mod (8)

myMid p, amId

Do you see the catch?

My next challenge: Write an actual snippet in VBScript this way that makes sense and that is actually usable.

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